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  中国水土保持科学   2023, Vol. 21 Issue (4): 11-19.  DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2023.04.002


汪立韬, 肖辉杰, 辛智鸣, 贾肖肖, 杨玉丽. 乌兰布和沙漠绿洲区典型农田防护林带风速流场数值模拟[J]. 中国水土保持科学, 2023, 21(4): 11-19. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2023.04.002.
WANG Litao, XIAO Huijie, XIN Zhiming, JIA Xiaoxiao, YANG Yuli. Numerical simulation of wind speed field in the typical farmland shelterbelts in the oases of the Ulan Buh Desert[J]. Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2023, 21(4): 11-19. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2023.04.002.




汪立韬(1995-), 男, 硕士研究生。主要研究方向: 林业生态工程。E-mail: wlt20160201@163.com


肖辉杰(1978-), 男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向: 防护林, 生态恢复与绿洲生态。E-mail: herr_xiao@hotmail.com


汪立韬 1, 肖辉杰 1, 辛智鸣 2, 贾肖肖 1, 杨玉丽 1     
1. 北京林业大学水土保持学院, 100083, 北京;
2. 中国林业科学研究院沙漠林业实验中心, 015200, 内蒙古磴口
关键词数值模拟    农田防护林带    疏透度    水平风速    防风效益    沙漠绿洲区    乌兰布和沙漠    
Numerical simulation of wind speed field in the typical farmland shelterbelts in the oases of the Ulan Buh Desert
WANG Litao 1, XIAO Huijie 1, XIN Zhiming 2, JIA Xiaoxiao 1, YANG Yuli 1     
1. School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China;
2. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 015200, Dengkou, Inner Mongolia, China
Abstract: [Background] The structural configuration of shelterbelt is crucial to the protective effect of shelterbelt. In the current research on the windbreak effect of farmland shelterbelt, field wind speed observations are mostly used, which is complicated and laborious to measure, and the differences in the windbreak effects of different configurations of shelterbelts are not studied enough. Based on the numerical simulation of the wind speed field of the shelterbelt, this study analyzed the windbreak effect of different configurations of shelterbelts and the distribution characteristics of the wind speed field around the shelterbelt. [Methods] Four different configurations of shelterbelts (0.8H width shelterbelt, 0.2H width shelterbelt, the arbor-shrub mixed shelterbelt and shrub-free shelterbelt, H represents shelterbelt height) in the Ulan Buh Desert were used as study objects. The two-dimensional numerical simulation method was used to simulate the wind speed field around the shelterbelt, and verified with the wind speed measured in the field. The influence of different shelterbelt structures on the characteristics of the wind speed field around the shelterbelt, the horizontal wind speed at different heights, and the efficient protection distance of the shelterbelt was explored. [Results] 1) When the airflow passed through four shelterbelts with different structures and configurations, different speed zones were produced around them, which were respectively the speed lifting zone above the shelterbelt, the weak wind zone behind the shelterbelt, the lower airflow acceleration zone, the reflux zone and the airflow recovery zone behind the shelterbelt. The airflow acceleration zone and the reflux zone were greatly affected by the structure of the shelterbelt.2) The impact on airflow under different shelterbelt widths mainly occured behind the shelterbelt.At a height of 0.1H near the ground, compared with the 0.2H width shelterbelt, the wind speed decreased by 90.8% within 1H behind the shelterbelt and the reflux intensity increased by 55.2% behind the shelterbelt for the 0.8H width shelterbelt, and the efficient protection distance was 17.8H and 15.5H for the two shelterbelts, respectively, which decreased by 2.3H compared with the efficientprotection distance for the 0.2H width shelterbelt. 3) At the height of 0.1H, the wind speed in the arbor-shrub mixed shelterbelt decreased to 0 within 0.7H after the shelterbelt, while the shrub-free shelterbelt showed a significant acceleration of airflow and reached the maximum wind speed at 1H after the shelterbelt, which was about 70.5% of the initial wind speed. Compared with the shrub-free shelterbelt, the wind speed decreased by 122.4% and the reflux intensity increased by 15.9% in the post-shelterbelt 1H range in the arbor-shrub mixed shelterbelt, and the efficient protection distance of the shelterbelt was 21.5H and 23.7H, respectively, which was reduced by 2.2H compared with the shrub-free shelterbelt. [Conclusions] The wider shelterbelt and mixed shelterbelt of trees and shrubs can well improve the wind speed at the back edge of the shelterbelt and effectively suppress the acceleration of airflow near the ground, but also enhance the reflux behind the shelterbelt and shorten the efficient protection distance, so the shelterbelt configuration should be planned reasonably according to different locations.
Keywords: numerical simulation    farmland shelterbelt    light penetrating porosity    horizontal wind speed    protective benefits    the oases    the Ulan Buh Desert    



1 研究区概况

研究区位于内蒙古磴口县中国林业科学院沙漠林业实验中心(简称沙林中心)实验林场,地处内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市西南部,属乌兰布和沙漠东北缘沙漠绿洲交错带(E 106°35′30″~106°59′48″,N 40°17′9″~40°29′15″)。属于温带大陆性季风气候,气候干燥,风大沙多,年均气温8.8 ℃,年均降水量143 mm,年平均蒸发量2 493 mm,年日照时间>3 300 h,无霜期130 d。林带群落结构包括新疆杨(Populus alba var. pyramidalis)、箭杆杨(Populus nigra var.thevestina)、小美旱杨(Populus Simonii)、白榆(Ulmus pumila)等乔木,以及沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)等灌木。

2 材料与方法 2.1 林带选取与结构调查


在2021年7月对林带基本结构参数进行野外调查中,选的4条林带内分别设置3个长10 m,宽度与林带宽度相同的样方,采用测高仪分别测量每个样方内树木的树高与枝下高(灌木只测量冠层高度),采用皮尺测量株行距、冠幅和林带宽度。林带疏透度使用照相法,在距离林带5倍树高处,利用数码相机拍摄林带迎风面照片,并在Photoshop软件中采用林木像素点所占比例的方法获取林带疏透度。根据新疆杨树木形态,笔者将新疆杨纯林带平均枝下高为分界线,分别计算上层冠层疏透度与下部疏透度。林带基本结构参数见表 1

表 1 林带结构参数统计 Tab. 1 Statistics of the shelterbelts structure parameters
2.2 数值模拟 2.2.1 求解区域与网格布置

以林带高度H作为划分单元,流场内其他相应距离(如林带宽度)均以H表示,Ⅱ和Ⅲ林带H值设为25 m,Ⅳ的混交林带以及无灌木林带H值为20 m,详见图 1。由表 1可知,乔木林带冠层疏透度和下部疏透度有很大不同,因此将林带平均枝下高的上下2个部分作为单独的求解区域[8]。采用CFD ICEM绘制非结构化的四面体网格,全局网格尺寸大小设置为0.5 m。求解域下壁面采用标准壁面函数处理,要求下壁面与沿壁内节点的量纲为1距离>11.225,最终确定第1层网格高度为0.04 m时满足计算要求。

H:林带高。 H: Shelterbelt height. The same below. 图 1 几何模型示意图 Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of geometric model
2.2.2 湍流模型与林带参数化处理

气流经过林带所形成的流场属于湍流场,选择标准k-ε模型[9]。而在林带区域可近似为多孔渗透结构,通过改变来流气体的动量参数模拟林带对气流的阻碍作用。在二维模拟的源项设置中,根据J.D. Wilson[10]提出的动量汇模型可将流场内的动量方程表示为:

$ \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}\left(\rho \bar{u}_i \bar{u}_j\right)=-\frac{\partial p}{\partial x_i}+\frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}\left(u \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j}-\rho u_i^{\prime} u_j^{\prime}\right)+s_i $ (1)


$ s u_1=-k_{\mathrm{r}} \bar{u}|\bar{u}| ; $ (2)


$ s u_2=0 。$ (3)


2.2.3 边界条件与初始计算


$ u=\frac{u_0}{K} \ln \frac{y}{y_0} 。$ (4)

式中:u0为动力速度(摩擦速度);y0为零风面位移(地面粗糙度),根据本研究样地情况,u0=0.65 m/s,y0=0.12 m,K=0.42[11]。在基于压力的稳态条件下,选择SIMPLE数值求解算法,压力向采用标准差分格式,动量项、湍动能项和湍动能扩散项均采用一阶迎风格式。各求解量的收敛精度设为10-3,计算迭代步数设为1 000步。

2.2.4 数据处理

数值模拟结束后,将结果导出至后处理软件CFD-Post中,并使用“export”功能导出林带前后距地面0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7、1和1.2H高度处的水平相对风速值和流场内整体水平风速值,同时将带后风速降为初始风速70%以下的范围作为林带的有效防护距离[12]。相关数据采用Excel软件进行整理,并使用Origin 2021软件绘图。

2.3 野外实测风速验证

为验证数值模拟方法中求解域网格划分和参数设置的精准度,采用野外实测旷野风速与数值模拟风速进行对比。旷野风速观测数据采集于2021年6—8月,利用研究区荒漠-绿洲过渡带风沙监测塔,该塔主要监测绿洲外围环境中气流与沙尘情况,塔身分别在距地面高1、2、4、8、12、24、36和48 m处装有风速风向采集仪(AV-30WS),能够以30 d的采样频率每1 min自动记录1组数据。将采集9个高度上的实测风速与数值模拟中相同高度处的旷野风速分别进行拟合,绘制出各自的风速廓线,并对两者数据差异化进行相关性分析。

图 2所示,数值模拟风速曲线与野外实测风速曲线基本吻合,模型拟合度R2均>0.99,风速拟合结果与罗凤敏等[13]在该地区风速研究结果一致;此外对模拟风速与实测风速的回归分析中,二者拟合度R2=0.997,均方误差(MSE)为0.008 16,证明该数值模拟方法满足后续实验的基本条件。

图 2 实测与模拟风速对比 Fig. 2 Comparison between measured and simulated wind speed
3 结果与分析 3.1 典型林带前后风速流场分布特征

图 3所示,4条林带对气流分布有相似的影响作用,并在林带前后形成不同的速度分区[14]。气流由入口向林带运动的过程中,因受林带影响在带前出现指数型减速区。并在气流穿过林带时在林带冠层产生分流,结合图 4典型林带局布风速流线图可见,一部分气流从林带上方越过时与上方气流汇集,出现风速抬升区;而穿过林带冠层的气流受林带内部的动能消耗,使风速大大减弱,并在带后形成弱风区;另有小部分气流从林带下部穿过形成气流加速区,其原因在于气流在经过林带下部时产生汇流,形成狭管气流,从而致使流速激增。图 3林带后方蓝色椭圆区域表明4条林带在带后均出现反向气流,出现不同程度的速度回流区,并均随高度升高回流逐渐减弱。之后随着气流逐渐远离林带,风速逐渐恢复到初始水平,形成风速恢复区。

图 3 林带前后水平风速流场分布 Fig. 3 Horizontal wind speed field distributions around the shelterbelt
中间矩形框图为林带在流场中的简化图,框图内横线表示林带平均枝下高位置。灰色箭头表示气流,箭头稠密代表气流的汇聚情况,箭头方向表示气流流向,箭头长短表示流速大小。 The rectangular frame in the middle is a simplified diagram of the shelterbelt in the wind speed field, and the horizontal line in the frame represents the mean HCB of the shelterbelt. The gray arrows represent the airflow, the density of the arrow represents the convergence of the airflow, the direction of the arrow represents the direction of the airflow, and the length of the arrow represents the wind speed. 图 4 林带周围风速流场 Fig. 4 Wind speed field around the shelterbelt
3.2 2种典型宽度林带对流域风场的影响

图 5为0.8H宽度林带(林带Ⅰ)和0.2H宽度林带(林带Ⅱ)距地面6种不同高度处的相对风速变化曲线。2条林带在带前风速的变化趋势基本相同,其差异主要发生在带后,且以近地面0.1H和0.3H高度处差异最为明显。气流在经过林带下部时由于疏透度较大导致风速增大,以较窄的0.2H宽度林带为例,在带后1H范围内增至初始风速的73.4%,而0.8H宽度林带气流在运动过程中风速继续衰减。0.8H宽度林带在6个高度上的回流程度都要强于0.2H宽度林带,且均伴随着高度的增加逐渐减弱;6个高度中在更靠近地面的0.1H高度处带后回流最为剧烈,0.8H宽度林带在带后7H处达到回流峰值,最大风速为初始风速的110.6%;0.2H宽度林带在带后10H处达到回流峰值,其值超过初始风速的69.5%。结合表 2林带有效防护距离差异,可以看出,在林带高度以下的范围内0.2H和0.8H宽度林带的有效防护距离分别为17.8H和15.5H

z:距地面高度。下同。 z:Height from ground. The same below. 图 5 不同宽度林带各高度水平相对风速对比 Fig. 5 Comparison of horizontal relative wind speed at each height in different width of shelterbelt
表 2 不同配置结构林带在不同高度处的有效防护距离 Tab. 2 Effective shelter distances at different heights from shelterbelt with different structure 
3.3 带后灌木带对林带防风效应的影响

笔者以带后布灌林带(林带Ⅲ)和无灌木林带(林带Ⅳ)为研究对象,分析在其他条件相同情况下带后灌木对风速的影响差异。如图 6所示,林带迎风侧气流变化受带后灌木带的影响较小,风速差异主要出现在带后近地面处。在0.1H高度处,有灌木林带在带后0.7H范围内风速降为0,而无灌木林带则出现明显的气流加速,并在带后1H处的风速达到最大,约为初始风速的70.5%;之后随着距地面高度的增加,气流受灌木带的影响逐渐减弱,风速变化趋势也趋于一致。在带后8H范围内,有灌木林带风速总体上都要低于无灌木林带,带后回流也要强于无灌木林带,且由于带后回流的位置靠前,因而导致风速恢复的更早。从表 2可见,在6个高度上的有效防护距离有灌木林带均小于无灌木的林带,在较为关注的林带高度以下区域,有灌木林带的防护距离约为21.5H,无灌木林带的防护距离约为23.7H

图 6 带后有无灌木林带各高度水平相对风速对比 Fig. 6 Comparison of horizontal relative wind speed at each height in shelterbelt with and without shrub
4 讨论




5 结论


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