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  中国水土保持科学   2020, Vol. 18 Issue (6): 140-146.  DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2020.06.017


刘冉, 余新晓, 蔡强国, 孙莉英, 方海燕, 贾国栋, 和继军. 坡长对坡面侵蚀、搬运、沉积过程影响的研究进展[J]. 中国水土保持科学, 2020, 18(6): 140-146. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2020.06.017.
LIU Ran, YU Xinxiao, CAI Qiangguo, SUN Liying, FANG Haiyan, JIA Guodong, HE Jijun. Research progressin the effect of slope length on slope erosion, transportation and deposition processes[J]. Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2020, 18(6): 140-146. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2020.06.017.




刘冉(1997-), 女, 硕士研究生。主要研究方向:水土保持。E-mail:liuran808@126.com


和继军(1979-), 男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向:土壤侵蚀, 水土保持及区域水文。E-mail:hejiun_200018@163.com


刘冉 1, 余新晓 1, 蔡强国 2,3, 孙莉英 2, 方海燕 2,3, 贾国栋 1, 和继军 4     
1. 北京林业大学水土保持学院 水土保持国家林业局重点试验室, 100083, 北京;
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点试验室, 100101, 北京;
3. 中国科学院大学资源环境学院, 100049, 北京;
4. 首都师范大学 城市环境过程和数字模拟国家重点试验室培育基地 北京资源环境与GIS重点试验室, 100048, 北京
关键词坡长    侵蚀产沙    临界坡长    坡面沉积    
Research progressin the effect of slope length on slope erosion, transportation and deposition processes
LIU Ran 1, YU Xinxiao 1, CAI Qiangguo 2,3, SUN Liying 2, FANG Haiyan 2,3, JIA Guodong 1, HE Jijun 4     
1. School of Soil Water Conservation in Beijing Forestry University, Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Soil and Water Conservation, 100083, Beijing, China;
2. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, 100101, Beijing, China;
3. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049, Beijing, China;
4. State Key Laboratory of Urban Environmental Processes and Numerical Simulation, Resources Environment and GIS Key Lab of Beijing, Capital Normal University, 100048, Beijing, China
Abstract: [Background] Slope length is one of the important geomorphological factors that affect the process of slope runoff erosion and sediment production. It determines the variation of slope water flow energy along the way, and affects sediment carrying capacity of the water flow, thereby affecting the process of soil erosion, transportation and deposition. In recent years, the research on impact of slope length on soil erosion has received considerable attention. Meanwhile, understanding the changing law of critical slope length provides an important theoretical basis for the study of sediment transport and deposition processes on slopes. [Methods] Based on the literature review, we summarized the influence of slope length on runoff erosion and sediment yield, the general law of erosion critical slope length, the calculation method of critical slope length and the influence of slope length on slope deposition. And we discussed the limitations of soil erosion in terms of slope length, and highlighted the focus of future research. The information for the methods comes from 46 core papers out of 2199 papers published in the web of science, CNKI, Baidu Academic and Science Direct in the past few decades with the keywords of "slope length soil erosion" and "slope surface deposition". [Results] 1) The relationship between slope length and soil erosion is very complicated. Due to the difference in experimental conditions, the erosion intensity varying with slope length has three dynamic forms: increasing, decreasing and fluctuating. 2) Through previous studies, we summarized the definition of the critical slope length for erosion, and pointed out that different critical slope lengths are obtained in different studies due to factors such as rainfall conditions, slope, and slope length. Moreover, the established calculation model of critical slope length is based on the experimental data of researchers, which causes certain limitations. 3)During the erosion, transportation, and deposition of the slope, the sediment is characterized by alternating strong and weak spatial changes. The existence of the critical slope length makes the influence of slope length on slope erosion and deposition more complicated. When the slope length does not reach the critical slope length, erosion and sedimentation activities cannot be fully developed.4)The key points of future research are described as follows. First of all, it is necessary to carry out further research and experiments on the sediment deposition process on the slope. Second, research on the critical slope length for erosion changes as well as experimental research on the relationship between slope lengths of different soil textures and soil erosion should be strengthened. Finally, slope length affects the wave form of slope erosion-sedimentation, and the coupling mechanism of slope length and slope erosion and sediment deposition process needs to be studied. [Conclusions] This paper summarizes the research progress and future research directions of slope length on slope erosion, transportation and deposition process, and aims to provide guidance for the research application and decision-making of soil erosion on slope length.
Keywords: slope length    soil erosion and sediment yield    critical slope length    slope deposition    



1 坡长对径流侵蚀产沙的影响




然而,多数研究表明随坡长的增加,侵蚀量的变化并非单一的不变、增大或减小。王玲玲等[14]通过室内冲刷试验得出,随着坡长的增加(4、8、16m),坡面侵蚀速率呈波动的强弱交替变化,并指出存在临界侵蚀坡长。地表覆盖物可以减少径流或土壤流失,且随着坡长增加(10.7~50.0m)其作用更加明显[15]。Kinnell[16]指出 < 1m的坡长会助长侵蚀,此时,剥离和运输受雨滴冲击产生的能量消耗控制,但随着坡长和坡度的增加,水流的剥离可能导致细沟的发展。Liu等[17]研究也表明林灌草覆被坡面,随坡长增加侵蚀强度减弱,这是因为长坡坡面径流变弱或泥沙在坡面沉积的可能性较大。尽管试图在土壤性质一致的地区进行操作,但重复试验表明,同一事件造成的土壤流失有相当大的差异。坡长、坡度和降雨强度等因素也影响坡面上发生的侵蚀类型,坡面径流深度的时间和空间变化会导致侵蚀应力的变化,这些都使坡长与侵蚀强度的关系复杂化。

2 临界坡长及其计算方法


前人研究中所涉及到的多数为发生细沟侵蚀的临界坡长[18-19],但是,有许多的研究表明,存在影响坡面侵蚀量变化的临界坡长。侵蚀与坡长关系中的临界坡长指在一定的坡面长度内,侵蚀量随坡长的增长而增长,当达到一定坡长时,产生质变的坡长或是土壤侵蚀模数随坡长增加由递增过渡为减少时的坡面长度[20]。不同的学者得到不同的临界坡长值(表 1)。

表 1 影响坡面侵蚀变化的临界坡长 Tab. 1 Critical slope length affecting slope erosion changes

表 1可知,临界坡长不是定值是普遍规律,且变化范围比较大,具体的临界坡长数值与坡度、土壤有较大关系。此外,曹银真[27]认为坡面侵蚀较为剧烈的地段先出现在分水岭以下25~35和45~55m处,中间存在侵蚀较弱阶段,从分水岭向下侵蚀强度表现为由弱到强、由强到弱,反映了水流动能的消长与转换的变化过程。Ghahramani等[28]表明,坡长从5~10m泥沙输移增加,并且当坡长超过10m而减小。Sadeghi等[29]表明减少径流和产沙量的15~20m的理想坡长。Han等[23]利用缓坡侵蚀量随坡长发生波动变化,且在10~20m处侵蚀量最大、30~40m处侵蚀量较小,径流能量影响其侵蚀形式,当径流含沙量趋于输沙能力时,径流侵蚀能力减弱,因此坡长增加影响土壤剥离率。以上研究均说明了临界坡长的存在,虽然研究具体数值有所差异,但存在一般规律,即在一定距离内,侵蚀强度随坡长的增加而增加,超过一定的坡长,侵蚀强度随坡长的增加呈强弱交替变化。


$ {M_{\rm{s}}} = A + B{I_{30}} $ (1)


$ {S_{\rm{w}}} = A + B{I_{30}} $ (2)

式中Sw为含沙量。揭示当达到临界坡长时,随坡长的增长,单位面积侵蚀量减小,含沙量趋于稳定;并且超过临界坡长的坡段,单位面积侵蚀量大大减少。当坡长大于临界坡长时,需要消耗一定的能量输送上部侵蚀的泥沙,坡面用于侵蚀和细沟发育的能量较小,且细沟的产生会使临界坡长的长度增加。在研究表明降雨特性影响着侵蚀量与坡长的关系中,对实测资料建立径流量、最大30min降雨强度的二次多项式回归模型(图 1)。

图 1 不同I30下,径流量与坡长的关系 Fig. 1 Relationship between runoff and slope length under different maximum 30min rainfall intensity

图 1表明,不同I30将有不同的临界坡长,坡长超过临界值坡面径流量将减少,但该模型还不能检验坡长超过60m后径流量变化情况。雷廷武等[31]基于水流输沙能力的含沙量,对不同坡度及不同流量下侵蚀产沙量随沟长的变化试验数据进行回归分析,建立如下模型:

$ S = C{\left( {1 - {{\rm{e}}^{ - \beta x}}} \right)^D} $ (3)


3 坡长对坡面沉积的影响




4 存在的问题与展望


1) 前人就坡长对径流侵蚀产沙影响进行了大量研究,但有关坡面薄层水流泥沙沉积过程及机理研究尚未成熟。在今后需要进一步开展坡面泥沙沉积过程研究试验,丰富坡面沉积基础理论。

2) 由于坡长与坡面侵蚀关系的复杂性,涉及到影响侵蚀变化的临界坡长的研究较少,对临界坡长变化规律研究不够深人。由于侵蚀过程随土壤、坡度和降雨特性的不同而变化,现有的临界坡长的计算方法存在一定局限性。并且需加强不同土壤质地的坡长与土壤侵蚀关系的试验研究。

3) 如何定量刻画坡面分离、搬运、沉积过程的问题在我国至今尚未完全解决[44],坡面长度影响坡面侵蚀—沉积的波动形式,需开展坡长与坡面侵蚀泥沙沉积过程的耦合机制研究。

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