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  中国水土保持科学   2018, Vol. 16 Issue (4): 144-150.  DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2018.04.019


曹娓, 王艺琳, 胡永歌, 徐恩凯, 杨航, 田国行. 人工植物群落多样性与土壤耦合度——以信阳—南阳高速公路为例[J]. 中国水土保持科学, 2018, 16(4): 144-150. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2018.04.019.
CAO Wei, WANG Yilin, HU Yongge, XU Enkai, YANG Hang, TIAN Guohang. Coupling degree between plantation vegetation community diversity and soil properties: Xinyang-Nanyang highway as an example[J]. Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018, 16(4): 144-150. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2018.04.019.




曹娓(1982-), 女, 博士研究生。主要研究方向:风景园林规划设计与高速公路路域景观生态。E-mail:caowei0913@163.com


田国行(1964-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向:城乡绿地资源建设与管控。E-mail:tgh0810@163.com


曹娓1,2, 王艺琳1, 胡永歌1, 徐恩凯1, 杨航1, 田国行1     
1. 河南农业大学林学院, 450000, 郑州;
2. 河南科技学院, 453003, 河南新乡
关键词边坡    人工植物群落    土壤因子    耦合    
Coupling degree between plantation vegetation community diversity and soil properties: Xinyang-Nanyang highway as an example
CAO Wei1,2, WANG Yilin1, HU Yongge1, XU Enkai1, YANG Hang1, TIAN Guohang1     
1. Henan Agricultural University, 450000, Zhengzhou, China;
2. Henan Institute of Science and Technology, 453003, Xinxiang, Henan, China
Abstract: [Background] The important study of highway are plantation vegetation community and soil, but most of these researches were focused on the beginning period. The research method of the relationship between vegetation and soil during the restoration process are singleness. [Methods] In this study, 8 typical vegetation communities were chosen in Xinyang-Nanyang highway which belong to Hushan highway. They were Vitex negundo + Amorpha fruticosa vegetation community, Broussonetia papyrifera + A. fruticosa vegetation community, A. fruticosa + Imperata cylindrical vegetation community, A. fruticosa + Festuca elata vegetation community, Amorpha fruticosa+Duchesnea indica vegetation community, A. fruticosa + Heteropappus hispidus + Cynodon dactylon vegetation community, V.negundo + I. cylindrical + C. dactylon vegetation community and F. elata + Vicia sepium vegetation community. Quadrat method was used in the vegetation community investigation, density, coverage, height of every plant were recorded and Shannon-Wiener index, Pilou index and Richness index were calculated in this study. Eleven soil indexes were measured, such as soil bulk density, saturated water capacity, water moisture, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, organic matter and pH value. Grey relational degree modeling was used to analysis the degree of coupling and interaction between vegetation community diversity and soil properties. 14 factors were involved in the grey relational degree modeling, three of them were species diversity indexes and 12 of them were soil indexes. [Results] The result showed that F. elata + Vicia sepium vegetation community had the highest Shannon-Wiener index and Richness index, the V. negundo + I. cylindrical + C. dactylon vegetation community had the highest Pielou index. The nutrient of 0-10 cm layer were higher than 10-20 cm layer, but the water content were lower than 10-20 cm layer. The result of grey relational degree modeling indicated that the vegetation communities in shady slope have good coupling degree than sunny slope. There were two vegetation communities had superior coordination in the 8 different vegetation communities, they were A. fruticosa + F. elata community in shady slope and A. fruticosa + D. indica community in sunny slope. Two of these vegetation communities were favorable coordination, three of them were middle coordination and one of them was light coordination. [Conclusions] The water moisture, total potassium, soil bulk density, total nitrogen, pH, total phosphorus, available potassium factor had a great influence to the diversity index of vegetation community, people could carry on the improvement target-oriented to the slope. It is suggested that this plant furnishing could be promoted which contain different life style of Leguminosae and perennial herb that based on the analysis of the vegetation communities which had superior coordination.
Key words: slope    plantation vegetation community    vegetation restoration    coupling coordination    

高速公路建设产生大量边坡界面,严重扰动了原始地形地貌。研究表明植物在减缓和预防土壤退化中扮演了重要的角色,同时通过对土壤特性的改变能够影响到微气候的变化[1]。植物群落与土壤一直以来均是边坡恢复研究的重点。一些学者对高速公路边坡植物群落对土壤改良效果进行研究,结果显示,在恢复初期,土壤营养成分呈波动变化[2-3],但随着时间的推移,土壤养分会逐渐增加[4-5],且表层土(0~10cm)的养分含量较高[4, 6]。许多学者对植物群落物种多样性指数与土壤理化性质进行相关性分析,以期找到它们之间的关系,为人工干预提供理论指导[7-8]。对于恢复多年的人工植被,为了更好地探讨其与土壤之间的关系,仅做相关性分析不能满足现阶段对恢复多年的边坡植物群落与土壤关系的研究需要。本文通过对信阳—南阳高速公路8种具有代表性的群落的调研,分析群落组成、多样性等特征,并引入耦合度模型,通过计算土壤与群落的耦合关系从而判断二者的恢复状态,并得到制约群落多样性的主要土壤因子,以期为今后该路段的人工干预提供理论基础,同时对耦合效果优的群落进行分析,进一步指导边坡植物配置。

1 研究区概况

信南高速属于沪陕高速的一部分,全长约183km,自西向东横跨南阳、驻马店、信阳3市,在国家及河南省干线公路中具有重要地位。路线区属于北亚热带大陆性季风性气候,四季分明。年均气温14.4~15.7℃,年均降雨量703.6~1173.4mm,主要集中于6—9月,约占全年总降雨量的60%~68%。该条高速公路于2005年以客土喷播的方式建植边坡人工植物群落,喷播厚度约20cm,由于喷播客土一样,视初期土壤条件一致。调研路段长约120km,坡度在30°~33°之间,其中路堑边坡的防护形式为拱形架+镀锌网,路基边坡只有拱形架防护。群落调研主要集中在南阳翟庄、泌阳陈庄以及南阳黄岗,根据河南省交通厅提供的资料,调研路段在集中长有紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa Linn.)的路段会定期进行人工刈割,期间并未对群落中其他植物以及土壤进行人工干预。

2 调查与分析方法 2.1 植物群落调研

植物群落调研和土壤采样均在2014年7月内完成。首先对调研路段植物群落进行记录,然后选取8种具有代表性的群落进行调研,其中阴坡4种(群落编号1~4),阳坡4种(群落编号5~8),以群落优势种为依托进行群落命名。由于调研路段使用拱形架,给样方设置带来局限性,本文以拱形架(2m×5m)为单位设置样地,进行灌木调研,并在每个样地中采用梅花五点法,设置5个1m×1m的样方,进行草本调研。长有乔木的群落非常少,且乔木以幼苗形式存在,高度不足60cm,因此乔木样方以拱形架为单位设置样地。每种植物群落重复调研3次,共计24个样地,120个样方。记录样方内植物的名称、盖度、频度/密度、高度等。样地具体情况如表 1所示。

表 1 信南高速公路样地基本信息 Tab. 1 Information of of sample plots in Xinyang-Nanyang highway
2.2 土壤取样与测定


2.3 数据分析 2.3.1 群落多样性及其测度

群落多样性是植物群落的重要特征,不仅体现了群落自身特征也反映了其与环境之间的相互关系[11]。本研究主要讨论α多样性,具体指标包括物种丰富度(S=样方内的物种数)、Shannon-Wiener指数$\left( {H = - \sum\limits_{i = 1}^S {} {P_i}{\rm{ln}}{P_i}, {P_i} = \frac{{{N_i}}}{N}} \right) $和Pielou指数($ E = H/{\rm{ln}}S$),式中Pi为种i的个体数,N为样地内全部物种个数,S为物种数。

2.3.2 耦合分析


$ \begin{array}{l} {\mathit{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_i}\left( j \right)\left( k \right) = \\ \frac{{\mathop {{\rm{min}}}\limits_{i} \mathop {{\rm{max}}}\limits_j |Z_i^L\left( k \right) - Z_j^I\left( k \right)| + \rho \mathop {{\rm{min}}}\limits_{i} \mathop {{\rm{max}}}\limits_j |Z_i^L\left( k \right) - Z_j^I\left( k \right)|}}{{|Z_i^L\left( k \right) - Z_j^I\left( k \right)| + \rho \mathop {{\rm{min}}}\limits_{i} \mathop {{\rm{max}}}\limits_j |Z_i^L\left( k \right) - Z_j^I\left( k \right)|}}。\end{array} $ (1)

式中:${\mathit{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_i}$ (j)(k)为第k个群落的土壤指标i和植物群落多样性指标j的关联系数;$ Z_i^L\left( k \right)、Z_i^I\left( k \right)$分别为土壤指标i和植物群落多样性指标j的标准化值;ρ为分辨系数,在[0, 1]内取值,一般取0.5。将关联系数按样本数求平均值,可以得到一个关联度矩阵γ,在关联度矩阵γ的基础上,求行或是列的平均值[13]。为了更好地构建植物群落多样性与土壤理化性质的耦合度模型,耦合度(C)的计算公式为:

$ C = \frac{1}{{nm}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^m {} \sum\limits_{j = 1}^n {} {\mathit{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_i}\left( j \right)\left( k \right)。$ (2)

本研究系统耦合协调度评价标准引自世界经济合作与发展组织(2003),如表 2所示。

表 2 系统耦合协调度标准 Tab. 2 Standard of ecosystem coupling coordination
3 研究结果 3.1 植物群落特征

2014年7月对典型群落调研结果显示:群落8的香浓维纳指数最高;均匀度指数最高的是群落7;丰富度指数最高的是群落5。具体请参见表 3(表中数据为均值)。

表 3 8种植物群落物种多样性 Tab. 3 Species diversity of 8 different vegetation communities
3.2 土壤特性

为了方便后期进行耦合度计算,将2个土层的相关数据进行平均,表 4所示的数据为0~20cm土层3次重复后的均值。

表 4 8种群落土壤理化性质 Tab. 4 Soil chemical and physical properties of 8 different vegetation communities
3.3 植物群落多样性与土壤因子耦合度分析

首先通过灰色关联度分析植物群落多样性与土壤因子耦合关联性,如表 5所示。各指标的关联度值在0.588~0.958范围内,均值为0.805,表明信南高速公路边坡群落多样性与土壤理化性质之间有着较强的耦合作用。从表 6可知,S-W指数、Pielou指数和Richness指数与土壤的平均关联系数分别为0.834、0.824、0.797,说明土壤因子对S-W指数影响最大,对物种丰富度影响略小。土壤因子中含水量、全钾、密度、全氮、pH值、全磷、有效钾对群落多样性影响较大,且均值均超过0.805。综上所述,植物群落多样性与土壤相互作用因子具有较强的关联性。表 7为植物群落多样性与土壤因子耦合度的分析结果:群落5>群落4>群落7>群落2>群落8>群落1>群落3>群落6。

表 5 信南高速公路8种植物群落多样性与土壤耦合矩阵 Tab. 5 Matrix of plant diversity and soil properties coupling for 8 vegetation communities in Xinyang-Nanyang highway
表 6 植物群落多样性与土壤耦合矩阵 Tab. 6 Matrix of plant diversity and soil properties coupling
表 7 信南高速公路8个植物群落与土壤系统耦合度评价结果 Tab. 7 Evaluation results of ecosystem coordination between 8 vegetation communities and soil
4 讨论 4.1 特殊立地条件下人工植物群落与土壤相互作用机制



4.2 高速公路不同坡向边坡植物群落多样性与土壤因子耦合度比较


4.3 解读耦合度效果“优”的植物群落结构


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