Properties of Particle Trajectory Around a Weakly Magnetized Black Hole*

Project grant of Goverment of West Bengal, Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Biotechnology, File no:- ST/P/S&T/16G-19/2017, AH wishes to thank the Department of Mathematics, the University of Burdwan for the research facilities provided during the work. RB thanks IUCAA, Pune, India for providing Visiting Associateship

Haldar Amritendu1, †, Biswas Ritabrata2, ‡

The variation of effective force feff with respect to r (a) K, Lz, and b are fixed, with varying q and l. (b) q, l, Lz and b are fixed with varying K. (c) q, l, Lz and K are fixed with varying b. (d) q, l, K and b are fixed with varying Lz.