Universal Pseudo- P T -Antisymmetry on One-Dimensional Atomic Optical Lattices*

Support from National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No. 2014CB921403, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11534002, U1730449 and U1530401

Wang Xin1, †, Sun Chang-Pu1, 2

(Color online) (a) M-type zigzag configuration, which is N-type configuration spreading out one “leg” on the left-hand side to the newly added ground state labeled |1⟩. (b) W-type zigzag configuration, which is N-type configuration spreading out one “leg” on the right-hand side to the newly added excited state labeled |5⟩. (c) Six-level zigzag configuration, which is N-type configuration spreading out one “leg” on the left-hand side to the newly added ground state labeled |1⟩, and one “leg” on the right-hand side to the newly added excited state labeled |6⟩. (d) Seven-level zigzag configuration, which is six-level zigzag configuration spreading out one “leg” on the right-hand side to the newly added ground state labeled |4⟩.