Non-Markovian Master Equation for Distant Resonators Embedded in a One-Dimensional Waveguide*

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11574041, 11475037, and 11704026

Chen Xin-Yu1, Zhang Wen-Zhao2, Li Chong1, †

(a)-(c) Time evolution of the average photon number of non-localized modes with the BM solution (dashed line) and the exact solution (solid line), and (d) the corresponding decay rate of asymmetric mode γ for (a) td = 2π/ω, (b) td = 20π/ω, and (c) td = 200π/ω. Values of other parameters are γ/ω = 0.01 and ωl = 0.