Double Wronskian Solutions for a Generalized Nonautonomous Nonlinear Equation in a Nonlinear Inhomogeneous Fiber*

Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No. 2018MS132

Xie Xi-Yang, Meng Gao-Qing

(a) Collision among the three solitons via Solutions (13) with ξ1 = 1 + 0.9i, ξ2 = 1 + i, ξ3 = 1 + 0.8i, σ1(x,t) = 1, σ2(x,t) = 1, σ3(x,t) = 1 and v(x,t) = 0; (b) The same as (a) except σ1(x,t) = 7x; (c) The same as (a) except σ2(x,t) = x.