中国医科大学学报  2018, Vol. 47 Issue (1): 48-52, 57


常慧, 张有晨, 李青, 李泓, 单诗洋
CHANG Hui, ZHANG Youchen, LI Qing, LI Hong, SHAN Shiyang
Survey and Analysis of Social Factors of Health among Staff of Urban Workers in Liaoning Province
中国医科大学学报, 2018, 47(1): 48-52, 57
Journal of China Medical University, 2018, 47(1): 48-52, 57


网络出版时间:2017-12-20 14:26
辽宁省卫生与人口健康教育中心社会教育科, 沈阳 110001
摘要目的 了解城市职工健康状况及社会因素对健康的影响,为制定健康教育相关策略提供依据。方法 采用分层随机抽样方法,抽取辽宁省丹东市和营口市18~60岁城市职工2 500人,进行问卷调查。结果 共回收有效问卷2 448份。城市职工自测健康状况得分(84.37±13.72)分。多元线性回归显示,家庭收入满意度低(B=-2.923,P=0.019,95%CI:-5.360~-0.485)、平均每日工作时间长(B=-3.749,P=0.023,95%CI:-6.981~-0.518)、领导认可度差(B=-3.688,P=0.014,95%CI:-6.608~-0.768)、工作满意度低者(B=-2.012,P=0.034,95%CI:-3.869~-0.156),自测健康状况得分低;家庭越和睦(B=3.105,P=0.017,95%CI:0.565~5.645)、社会支持度种类越多(B=2.684,P=0.003,95%CI:0.926~4.442),自测健康状况得分越高。结论 辽宁省城市职工中,影响健康的社会因素包括家庭收入满意度、平均每日工作时间、领导认可度、工作满意度和社会支持度等。
关键词城市职工    健康    社会因素    健康教育    
Survey and Analysis of Social Factors of Health among Staff of Urban Workers in Liaoning Province
Social Education Department, Center for Health and Population Health Education of Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110001, China
Abstract: Objective To explore the social factors of health among staff of urban workers in Liaoning province and to provide scientific evidence for preparing propagation strategies.Methods Two thousand five hundred urban workers were surveyed using stratified, random sampling in Dandong city and Yingkou city of Liaoning province. The participants were investigated through questionnaires.Results Two thousand four hundred forty-eight valid questionnaires were obtained. The self-rated heath score of the respondents was 84.37 ±13.72. The results of multiple linear reason showed that those with low family income satisfaction (B=-2.923, P=0.019, 95% CI:-5.360--0.485), many working hours per day (B=-3.749, P=0.023, 95% CI:-6.981--0.518), poor leadership (B=-3.688, P=0.014, 95% CI:-6.608-0.768), and low job satisfaction (B=-2.012, P=0.034, 95% CI:-3.869-0.156) had lower self-rated health scores. However, those with more harmonious families (B=3.105, P=0.017, 95% CI:0.565-5.645) and types of social support (B=2.684, P=0.003, 95% CI:0.926-4.442) had higher self-rated health scores.Conclusion Social factors affecting health among staff of urban workers in Liaoning province were family income satisfaction, working hours per day, leadership, job satisfaction, social support and others.
Keywords: urban workers    health    social factors    health education    

健康社会决定因素[1]是指在那些直接导致疾病的因素之外,由人们的社会地位和拥有的资源所决定的生活和工作环境,以及对其健康产生影响的因素。更明确的说,是指人们出生、成长、生活、工作和衰老过程中所处环境的全部因素,包括如儿童早期教育、居住环境、工作环境、职业性质、医疗和社会保障服务、社会参与度等[2-4],它们对人群健康的影响大于医疗服务。为探讨影响辽宁省城市职工健康状况的社会因素,制定健康教育相关策略提供依据,本研究对我省丹东市和营口市2 500名城市职工进行了问卷调查,现将调查结果报告如下:

1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 调查内容


1.3 统计学分析

应用Epidata3.1建立数据库,采用SPSS 13.0进行统计分析。计量资料用x±s表示,采用t检验、方差分析进行比较;计数资料用频数表示,采用χ2检验进行比较;多因素分析采用多元线性回归分析。检验水准α=0.05。

2 结果 2.1 基本情况

共发放调查问卷2 500份,回收有效问卷2 448份,回收率为97.9%。其中,男1 273人(52.0%),女1 175人(48.0%);平均年龄(39.9±10.5)岁;受教育程度:初中及以下367人(15.0%),高中/中专441人(18.0%),大专/本科及以上1 640人(67.0%);婚姻状况:未婚400人(16.3%),已婚1 998人(81.6%),离异与丧偶50人(2.1%)。

2.2 自测健康状况得分(表 1
表 1 社会人口学因素对自测健康状况得分情况的单因素分析 Tab.1 The univariate analysis between social demographic factors and self-test health scores
Variable n Self-test health scores(x±s t/F P
Gender -2.043 0.041
  Male 1 273 83.63±15.20
  Female 1 175 85.34±11.49
Age(year) 0.519 0.595
  18-30 607 84.98±14.12
  31-45 957 83.87±13.62
  46-60 884 83.30±12.21
Education level 1.467 0.231
  Junior middle school or under 367 85.28±14.51
  High school/secondary 441 82.90±13.11
  College/bachelor degree or above 1 640 84.21±12.39
Marriage 7.704 < 0.001
  Single 400 87.01±12.14
  Married 1 998 82.90±14.58
  Divorced/ widowed 50 78.60± 7.73
Occupation 0.288 0.885
  Public servants 490 84.25±15.13
  Scientists and engineers 490 84.76±12.38
  Enterprises and managers 489 85.04±15.07
  Teachers 490 83.91±13.72
  Manual workers 489 80.42±15.52
Total 2 448 84.37±13.72

2 448名城市职业人群自测健康状况得分最低8分,最高100分,平均(84.37±13.72)分。男性自测健康状况得分低于女性,未婚者自测健康状况得分高于已婚者和离异与丧偶者,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);不同年龄、不同职业者自测健康状况得分差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。

2.3 社会因素对自测健康状况得分影响的单因素分析

2.3.1 家庭环境因素影响(表 2
表 2 家庭环境因素对自测健康状况得分情况的单因素分析 Tab.2 The univariate analysis between family environment factors and self-test health scores
Variable n Self-test health scores(x±s) F P
Satisfaction with family housing condition 5.958 0.003
  Very satisfied/satisfied 676 87.13±10.03
  General satisfaction 718 86.91±15.26
  Unsatisfactory/very dissatisfied 1 054 80.87±14.00
Living environment satisfaction 2.349 0.098
  Very satisfied /satisfied 707 87.30±14.71
  General satisfaction 738 83.90±12.49
  Unsatisfactory/very dissatisfied 1 003 82.64±13.66
Household income satisfaction 6.329 0.002
  Very satisfied /satisfied 644 89.34±9.86
  General satisfaction 527 84.38±15.91
  Unsatisfactory/very dissatisfied 1 277 81.85±13.83
Degree of family harmony 7.902 < 0.001
  Very harmonious/ harmonious 1 425 87.31±12.08
  General harmonious 738 80.43±16.12
  Disharmonious/very bad 285 79.85±11.03
Total 2 448 84.37±13.72

对家庭住房条件和居住环境的满意度方面,比较满意以上者居多,分别占56.9%和59.1%;家庭收入满意度方面,不太满意/非常不满意居多,占52.2%;家庭和睦状况以非常和睦/和睦为主,占58.2%。比较家庭环境因素对自测健康状况得分的影响,家庭住房条件满意度高、居住环境满意度高、家庭收入满意度高、家庭和睦者,自测健康状况得分高,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。

2.3.2 工作环境因素影响(表 3
表 3 工作环境因素对自测健康状况得分情况的单因素分析 Tab.3 The univariate analysis between work environment factors and self-test health scores
Variable n Self-test health scores(x±s) F P
Work stress level 4.504 0.012
  Not nervous 779 86.53±14.96
  General nervous 1 150 85.13±11.92
  Nervous /very nervous 519 79.33±14.66
Work hours(h/d) 3.790 0.024
  <8 1 255 86.28±11.20
  8-<10 1 087 83.01±15.58
  ≥10 106 75.60±16.71
Leadership approval degree 5.275 0.006
  Very approved /approved 2 132 85.47±13.12
  General approved 116 77.73±19.28
  Deny/very disapproving 200 76.47±13.46
Level of self-test tensions with colleagues 9.767 < 0.001
  Never/ occasionally 1 530 87.34±13.45
  Sometimes 686 79.51±11.02
  Often/ almost always 232 79.14±17.26
Job satisfaction 7.931 < 0.001
  Very satisfied /satisfied 1 424 87.29±13.34
  General satisfaction 274 81.58±12.24
  Unsatisfied/very dissatisfied 750 79.83±13.66
Total 2 448 84.37±13.72

2 448名城市职业人群中,工作紧张度以中等紧张为主,占47.0%;工作时间 < 8 h居多,占51.3%;87.1%在工作上能得到领导认可;自测与同事紧张度方面,回答“从来没有/偶尔”的居多,占62.5%;工作满意度以非常满意/满意为主,占58.2%。家庭和睦状况以非常和睦/和睦为主,占58.2%(1 425/2 448)。比较工作环境因素对自测健康状况得分的影响,工作紧张度低、平均每天工作时间 < 8 h、能获得领导认可、较少与同事的关系紧张、工作满意度高者,自测健康状况得分高,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。

2.3.3 社会支持度影响(表 4
表 4 社会支持对自测健康状况得分情况的单因素分析 Tab.4 The univariate analysis between social support and self-test health scores
Kinds of social support n Self-test health scores(x±s
0 464 78.39±14.69
1 950 84.28±14.12
2 707 86.39±13.69
≥3 327 88.74± 7.38
Total 2 448 84.37±13.72

2 448名城市职业人群中,至少获得1种以上社会支持者居多,占81.1%。获得社会支持度的种类越多,其自测健康状况的得分越高,差异有统计学意义(F = 4.523,P = 0.004)。

2.4 社会因素对自测健康状况得分的多因素分析(表 56
表 5 多元线性回归分析变量赋值表 Tab.5 Multiple linear regression analysis variable valuation
Code Variable Valuation
X1 Gender Male =0,female =1
X2 Marriage Single =00,married =10,divorced/ widowed =01
X3 Housing conditions satisfaction Very satisfied =1,satisfaction=2,general satisfaction =3,unsatisfactory =4,very dissatisfied =5
X4 Household income satisfaction Very Satisfied =1,satisfaction=2,general satisfaction =3,unsatisfactory =4,very dissatisfied =5
X5 Family harmony degree Very bad =1,disharmony =2,general harmonious =3,harmony =4,very harmonious =5
X6 Work stress level Not nervous =1,general nervous =2,nervous =3,very nervous =4
X7 Work hour(h/d) <8=1,8-<10=2,≥10=3
X8 Leadership approval degree Very approved =1,approved =2,general approved =3,deny =4,very disapproving =5
X9 Self-test tensions level with colleagues Never =1,occasionally =2,sometimes =3,often =4,almost always =5
X10 Job satisfaction Very satisfied =1,satisfaction=2,general satisfaction =3,unsatis factory =4,very dissatisfied =5
X11 Kinds of social support 0=1,1=2,2=3,≥3=4
Y Self-test health scores Measured value

表 6 自测健康状况得分的多元线性回归分析 Tab.6 Multiple linear regression analysis of self-test health scores
Influencing factor B SE B t P 95%CI
Constant 96.943 7.172 90.101 13.516 < 0.001 82.806-111.079
  Female 1.080 1.879 0.039 0.575 0.566 -2.624-4.784
  Married -2.967 1.694 -0.106 -1.752 0.081 -6.305-0.371
  Divorced/ widowed -7.228 5.640 -0.077 -1.281 0.201 -18.344-3.889
Housing conditions satisfaction -1.650 1.205 -0.101 -1.369 0.172 -4.025-0.725
Household income satisfaction -2.923 1.237 -0.180 -2.363 0.019 -5.360--0.485
Family harmony degree 3.105 1.289 0.157 2.409 0.017 0.565-5.645
Work stress level -0.020 1.305 -0.001 -0.016 0.988 -2.592-2.551
Work hour(h/d) -3.749 1.640 -0.158 -2.287 0.023 -6.981--0.518
Leadership approval degree -3.688 1.482 -0.155 -2.489 0.014 -6.608--0.768
Self-test tensions level with colleagues -1.620 1.344 -0.078 -1.205 0.229 -4.269-1.029
Job satisfaction -2.012 0.942 -0.132 -2.136 0.034 -3.869--0.156
Kinds of social support 2.684 0.892 0.183 3.010 0.003 0.926-4.442
* reference group.


3 讨论




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