畜牧兽医学报  2019, Vol. 50 Issue (4): 861-869. DOI: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2019.04.019    PDF    
刘镇1, 饶家榕1, 吕俊瑾1, 芶思1, 李惠珍1, 林辉1, 远立国1,2,3     
1. 华南农业大学兽医学院, 广州 510642;
2. 广东省兽医临床重大疾病综合防控重点实验室, 广州 510642;
3. 广东省宠物工程技术研究中心, 广州 510642
关键词犬乳腺肿瘤细胞    成瘤模型    裸鼠    生长特性    
Establishment of a Nude Mouse Model of Canine Mammary Tumor and Its Growth Characteristics
LIU Zhen1, RAO Jiarong1, LÜ Junjin1, GOU Si1, LI Huizhen1, LIN Hui1, YUAN Liguo1,2,3     
1. College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China;
2. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Prevention and Control for Severe Clinical Animal Diseases, Guangzhou 510642, China;
3. Guangdong Technological Engineering Research Center for Pet, Guangzhou 510642, China
Abstract: This research was conducted to establish a nude mice model of canine mammary cancer cell, and study its biological characteristics as well as dynamic changes. The green fluorescent protein (GFP) was introduced into the CHMm and CHMp cells of canine breast cancer cell. The nude mice model was established by implantation of tumor cell suspension in right second breast of the nude mice. The dynamic changes of tumor in nude mice at different time periods were studied by the technique of living fluorescence imaging and pathological examination. Results were as follows:GFP labeled CHMm-GFP and CHMp-GFP cells were observed to emit stable green fluorescence signals under inverted fluorescence microscope, and macroscopic tumor appeared on the 6th day after implantation. The tumor growth curve and weight change curve were drawn by fluorescence signal detection and pathological examination on the 25th day and the 60th day after implantation. On the 25th day after implantation, the fluorescence signal of CHMm-GFP was the strongest in nude mice, while that of CHMp-GFP was strongest on 35th day. On the 25th day after implantation, it was found that one lymph node of each group of nude mice showed fluorescence signal. On the 35th day, fluorescent signals were displayed in lymph nodes of 3 nude mice, but no fluorescence signals were found in other organs. On the 25th day, one nude mouse tumor metastasized to the lymph node, and at the 35th day and the 60th day, the tumor was found to have metastasized to the lymph node. Canine breast tumor models of two cell lines were established in this study. The two cell lines showed different growth characteristics in nude mice at different periods and could be metastasized, which provided a reference for the further study of the occurrence and development of mammary tumors.
Key words: canine mammary cancer cell     tumor model     nude mice     growth characteristics    





1 材料与方法 1.1 材料 1.1.1 实验动物

BALB/c裸鼠27只,购自北京华阜康生物科技股份有限公司,许可证号:SCXK(京)2014-0004。鼠龄:4~6周龄,性别:雌性,体重:18~22 g。饲养于华南农业大学实验动物中心,使用许可证号:SYXK(粤)2014-0136。

1.1.2 细胞系和质粒

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞系CHMp与CHMm是从患乳腺肿瘤的雌性杂种犬中分离建立的,“p”代表原发病灶细胞,“m”代表转移病灶细胞。本试验中选用的犬乳腺肿瘤细胞系CHMp与CHMm均由日本东京大学农业部生命科学学科犬学院兽医外科实验室惠赠。人肾上皮细胞系293 T细胞由本教研室传代培养。

慢病毒包装和包膜质粒分别为psPAX2和pMD2.G质粒,现由华南农业大学兽医学院外科教研室保存,载体质粒是一种以PWPI为载体携带绿色荧光蛋白基因的质粒,该质粒能够在转染过程中进入细胞并在细胞中表达,在荧光显微镜下能观察到绿色荧光,该质粒由华南农业大学兽医学院外科教研室保存。Lipofectamine 2000购自Invitrogen公司。

1.2 实验方法 1.2.1 GFP标记犬乳腺肿瘤细胞与筛选


1.2.2 裸鼠成瘤模型的建立

随机将裸鼠分为两个组(CHMm-GFP与CHMp-GFP裸鼠成瘤组),每组12只,且两组又各分成a、b、c、d四小组;体外培养犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP与CHMp-GFP,待细胞生长状态稳定后收集细胞,用PBS调整细胞浓度为1×107个·mL-1且活细胞数>95%,加入等量Matrigel基质胶及少量双抗配制细胞悬液,细胞悬液按0.2 mL·只-1,统一注射于裸鼠右侧第二对乳头处。

1.2.3 裸鼠活体成像 活体成像

裸鼠用异氟烷气体麻醉后放入活体成像仪内成像观察;参数如下,发射波长535 nm,激发波长480 nm,曝光时间5 s。试验结束待裸鼠状态稳定后将裸鼠放入普通级环境饲养,两组成瘤模型均分别随机挑选4、3、3只裸鼠在第15、25、35天进行活体成像检测。 离体器官成像


1.2.4 裸鼠解剖与病理学检测


1.2.5 统计分析

试验组数据均采用SPSS 20.0软件分析。图中*代表 0.01<P<0.05;**代表P<0.01。

2 结果 2.1 绿色荧光蛋白标记犬乳腺肿瘤细胞

利用慢病毒将GFP导入犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp和CHMm中,经有限稀释法筛选后两株细胞均发出绿色荧光,分别命名为CHMm-GFP和CHMp-GFP。倒置荧光显微镜观察结果见图 1

图A为白光条件下未感染的CHMm细胞;图B为白光条件下CHMm-GFP细胞;图C为荧光条件下CHMm-GFP细胞;图D为白光条件下未感染的CHMp细胞;图E为白光条件下CHMp-GFP细胞;图F为荧光条件下CHMp-GFP细胞。图A和D对应的荧光图片只有一片漆黑,观察不到任何东西,故没有给出。图中放大倍数为200× Fig. A is uninfected CHMm cells under white light; Fig. B is CHMm-GFP cells under white light; Fig. C is CHMm-GFP cells under fluorescence; Fig. D is uninfected CHMp cells under white light; Fig. E is CHMp-GFP cells under white light; Fig.F diagram shows CHMp-GFP cells under fluorescence condition. Fig. A and Fig. D are only completely dark under fluorescent conditions, and nothing is observed, so they are not given. The magnification is 200× 图 1 筛选后同一视野下细胞荧光与白光对照 Fig. 1 Comparison of cell fluorescence and white light in the same field after screening

此外,利用流式细胞仪对已构建细胞系中表达了GFP受体的细胞进行定量检测,结果如图 2所示。表明犬乳腺肿瘤细胞系能表达GFP的细胞数比例在99%左右。将该细胞系连续传到十几代,通过荧光显微镜观察,比例没有下降,绿色荧光仍明显。

图A为亲本细胞CHMm;图B为CHMm-GFP;图C为亲本细胞CHMp;图D为CHMp-GFP Fig. A is the parent cell CHMm; Fig. B is CHMm-GFP; Fig. C is the parent cell CHMp; Fig. D is CHMp-GFP 图 2 流式细胞仪检测构建的细胞系中表达GFP受体的转染效率 Fig. 2 Flow cytometry to detect transfection efficiency of GFP receptors in constructed cell lines
2.2 裸鼠活体成像 2.2.1 活体成像

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP裸鼠成瘤模型活体成像检测,试验结果如图 3所示。明显观察到在试验前期活体成像检测有不同程度的杂质干扰,试验后期干扰消失但裸鼠接种部位荧光信号强度减弱,且出现荧光信号的范围非常小。

图A、B为接种CHMm-GFP细胞第15天进行活体成像检测时4只裸鼠GFP表达状态;图C为接种CHMm-GFP细胞第25天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠GFP表达状态;图D为接种CHMm-GFP细胞第35天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠的GFP表达状态 Fig. A and Fig. B are the GFP expression status of 4 nude mice when inoculated with CHMm-GFP cells 15 days biopsy; Fig. C is the GFP expression of 3 nude mice when inoculated with CHMm-GFP cells 25 days biopsy state; Fig. D shows the GFP expression status of 3 nude mice when in vivo imaging was performed 35 days inoculation of CHMm-GFP cells 图 3 犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP裸鼠活体荧光检测 Fig. 3 Fluorescence detection of canine mammary tumor cells CHMm-GFP nude mice

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp-GFP裸鼠成瘤模型活体成像检测,试验结果如图 4所示。可以明显观察到随着时间的增长,肿瘤接种部位的荧光面积逐渐变大且信号强度越来越强。

图A、B为接种CHMp-GFP细胞第15天进行活体成像检测时4只裸鼠的GFP表达状态;图C为接种CHMp-GFP细胞第25天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠的GFP表达状态;图D为接种CHMp-GFP细胞第35天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠的GFP表达状态 Fig. A and Fig. B are the GFP expression status of 4 nude mice when in vivo imaging was performed 15 days inoculation of CHMp-GFP cells; Fig. C shows the GFP expression of 3 nude mice after inoculation of CHMp-GFP cells 25 days inoculation state; Fig. D shows the GFP expression status of 3 nude mice when in vivo imaging was performed 35 days inoculation of CHMp-GFP cells 图 4 犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp-GFP裸鼠活体荧光检测 Fig. 4 Fluorescence detection of canine mammary tumor cells CHMp-GFP nude mice
2.2.2 离体器官成像

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP裸鼠成瘤模型离体脏器成像检测,试验结果如图 5所示。可以观察到肿块离体后荧光强度明显强于在裸鼠体内;在接种的第25天发现有1只裸鼠的淋巴结出现荧光信号;在接种的第35天3只裸鼠的淋巴结均出现荧光信号。且荧光强度在接种的第35天较第25天大幅减弱。

图A为接种犬乳腺肿瘤CHMm-GFP细胞第25天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠离体脏器GFP的表达状态;图B为接种犬乳腺肿瘤CHMm-GFP细胞第35天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠离体脏器GFP的表达状态,图中从上往下分别为肿块、心、肺、肝、脾、肾、淋巴结 Fig. A shows the expression of GFP in isolated organs of 3 nude mice in vivo imaging of CHMm-GFP cells inoculated with canine mammary tumors 25 days; Fig. B shows the in vivo imaging of 35 days inoculation of canine breast tumor CHMm-GFP cells. At the same time, the expression status of GFP in three organs of isolated nude mice was tumor, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney and lymph nodes from top to bottom 图 5 犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP裸鼠离体器官荧光检测 Fig. 5 Fluorescence detection of isolated organs of CHMm-GFP nude mice in canine mammary tumor cells

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp-GFP裸鼠成瘤模型离体脏器成像检测,结果如图 6所示。在接种的第25天时,发现有1只裸鼠的淋巴结出现荧光信号;接种的第35天,3只裸鼠的淋巴结均出现荧光信号,且荧光强度在接种的第35天较第25天明显增强。

图A为接种犬乳腺肿瘤CHMp-GFP细胞第25天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠离体脏器GFP的表达状态;图B为接种犬乳腺肿瘤CHMp-GFP细胞第35天进行活体成像检测时3只裸鼠离体脏器GFP的表达状态,图中从上往下分别为肿块、心、肺、肝、脾、肾、淋巴结 Fig. A shows the expression of GFP in isolated organs of 3 nude mice in vivo imaging of CHMp-GFP cells inoculated with canine mammary tumors 25 days; Fig.B shows the in vivo imaging of 35 days inoculation of canine breast tumor CHMp-GFP cells. At the same time, the expression status of GFP in three organs of isolated nude mice was tumor, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney and lymph nodes from top to bottom 图 6 犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp-GFP裸鼠离体器官荧光检测 Fig. 6 Fluorescence detection of isolated organs of CHMp-GFP nude mice in canine mammary tumor cells
2.3 病理组织学检查

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP裸鼠成瘤模型病理组织学检测,结果如图 7所示。四组裸鼠的乳腺肿块病理切片均可见乳腺导管,导管中被覆多层细胞,乳腺间质中可见坏死的细胞碎片与乳腺间质组织,可见肿瘤细胞,肿瘤细胞核质比高,细胞大,核仁明显,细胞质淡,细胞核染色淡,可见淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞与单核细胞等炎性细胞。四组裸鼠的淋巴结病理切片,a组中仅有一只裸鼠可见肿瘤转移,其余三组全部裸鼠淋巴结病理切片均可见肿瘤转移。此外,a、b、c、d四组裸鼠的其他器官(心、肝、脾、肺、肾)病理切片出现了不同程度的炎症反应,但均没有观察到肿瘤细胞,这说明肿瘤没有转移到上述器官。

图A、B、C、D均为肿瘤HE染色石蜡切片,其中A图为a组10号裸鼠,B图为b组6号裸鼠,C图为c组5号裸鼠,图D为d组9号裸鼠;图E、F、G和H均为淋巴结HE染色石蜡切片,其中图E为a组10号裸鼠,图F为b组12号裸鼠,图G为c组11号裸鼠,图H为d组2号裸鼠;图A和B放大倍数为200×;图C、D、E、F、G和H放大倍数为400× Fig. A, B, C, D are paraffin sections of tumor stained by HE, in which Fig. A shows No.10 nude mouse of group a, Fig. B shows No. 6 nude mouse of group b, Fig. C for the No. 5 nude mouse of group c, Fig. D for the No. 9 nude mouse of group d; E, F, G and H are paraffin sections of lymphatic node stained by HE, in which Fig. E shows No. 10 nude mouse of group a, Fig. F shows No. 12 nude mouse of group b, Fig. G shows the No. 11 nude mouse of group c, Fig. H shows the No. 2 nude mouse of group d; The magnification of Fig. A and B is 200 ×; The magnification of Fig. C, D, E, F, G and H is 400 × 图 7 犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMm-GFP裸鼠乳腺肿块与淋巴结病理切片 Fig. 7 Canine mammary tumor CHMm-GFP nude mice mammary gland and lymph node pathological section

犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp-GFP裸鼠成瘤模型病理组织学检测,结果如图 8所示。四组裸鼠的乳腺肿块病理切片乳腺导管结构基本消失,导管被肿瘤细胞填满,乳腺间质中可见坏死的细胞碎片与乳腺间质组织,肿瘤细胞核质比高,细胞大,核仁明显,细胞质淡,细胞核染色淡,细胞分化程度低,可见大量的成纤维细胞分布,可见淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞与单核细胞等炎性细胞,且随着时间的增长,细胞分化度低,异型性明显。四组裸鼠的淋巴结病理切片,a组中仅有一只裸鼠可见肿瘤转移,其余三组全部裸鼠淋巴结病理切片均可见肿瘤细胞。此外,a、b、c、d四组裸鼠的其他器官(心、肝、脾、肺、肾)病理切片出现了不同程度的炎症反应,但均没有观察到肿瘤细胞,这说明肿瘤没有转移到上述器官。

图A、B、C、D均为肿瘤HE染色石蜡切片,其中图A为a组8号裸鼠,图B为b组1号裸鼠,图C为c组10号裸鼠,图D为d组12号裸鼠;图E、F、G和H均为淋巴结HE染色石蜡切片,其中图E为a组4号裸鼠,图F为b组9号裸鼠,图G为c组5号裸鼠,图H为d组7号裸鼠;图B、C和D放大倍数为100×;图A、H放大倍数为200×;图E、F和G放大倍数为400× Fig. A, B, C, D are paraffin sections of tumor stained by HE, in which Fig. A shows No.8 nude mouse of group a, Fig. B shows No. 1 nude mouse of group b, Fig. C for the No. 10 nude mouse of group c, Fig. D for the No. 12 nude mouse of group d; E, F, G and H are paraffin sections of lymphatic node stained by HE, in which Fig. E shows No. 4 nude mouse of group a, Fig. F shows No. 9 nude mouse of group b, Fig. G shows the No. 5 nude mouse of group c, Fig. H shows the No. 7 nude mouse of group d; The magnification of Fig. B, C and D is 100 ×; The magnification of Fig. A and H is 200 ×; The magnification of Fig. E, F and G is 400 × 图 8 犬乳腺肿瘤细胞CHMp-GFP裸鼠乳腺肿块与淋巴结病理切片 Fig. 8 Canine mammary tumor CHMp-GFP nude mice mammary gland and lymph node pathological section
2.4 裸鼠体内肿瘤生长曲线

两组成瘤模型在接种肿瘤细胞后,每天观察裸鼠状态并纪录裸鼠肿瘤体积大小和裸鼠体重,取每组裸鼠肿瘤大小,裸鼠体重的平均值来绘制裸鼠的肿瘤生长曲线,结果如图 9

图A为裸鼠肿瘤体积的生长曲线,图B为注射犬肿瘤细胞系与对照组裸鼠体重的生长曲线。*.0.01<P<0.05;**. P<0.01 Fig. A is a growth curve of tumor volume in nude mice, and Fig. B is a growth curve of body weight of a canine tumor cell line and a control group. *. 0.01 < P < 0.05; **. P < 0.01 图 9 裸鼠体内肿瘤与裸鼠体重生长曲线 Fig. 9 Tumor growth and nude mouse body weight growth curve in nude mice
3 讨论




4 结论


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