畜牧兽医学报  2018, Vol. 49 Issue (1): 147-156. DOI: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2018.01.017    PDF    
周佩娇1,2, 邢利1, 贾伟新1, 廖明1     
1. 华南农业大学兽医学院, 人兽共患病防控制剂国家地方联合工程实验室, 农业部人畜共患病重点实验室, 农业部兽用疫苗创制重点实验室, 广东省动物源性人兽共患病预防与控制重点实验室, 广州 510640;
2. 广州市南沙区动物防疫监督所, 广州 511458
摘要:本研究旨在研究4株H5N6亚型禽流感病毒分离株的生物学特性与对鸡的致病性。对2015-2016年广东地区的临床送检样品进行病毒分离鉴定,对分离株进行基因克隆、测序和序列分析,并对4周龄SPF鸡点眼、滴鼻攻毒。结果分离得到4株H5N6亚型禽流感病毒,其HA基因属于Clade2.3.4.4,HA蛋白的裂解位点处具有多个连续碱性氨基酸,具备高致病性禽流感病毒的分子特征。攻毒组鸡5 d内全部死亡,同居组9 d内全部死亡;攻毒后鸡持续排毒,在心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑等组织脏器中病毒滴度高,且对组织造成广泛性损伤。4株所测试的H5N6亚型禽流感病毒分离株对鸡具有高致病性和水平传播能力,提示需加强H5N6亚型禽流感的防控。
关键词H5N6    禽流感病毒    SPF鸡    致病性    
Isolation, Identification and Pathogenicity Analysis of Four H5N6 Avian Influenza Virus Isolates
ZHOU Pei-jiao1,2, XING Li1, JIA Wei-xin1, LIAO Ming1     
1. National and Regional Joint Engineering Laboratory for Medicament of Zoonosis Prevention and Control, Key Laboratory of Zoonoses of Ministry of Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Animal Vaccine Development of Ministry of Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Zoonoses Control and Prevention of Guangdong, College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510640, China;
2. Servicing Department of Pasturage of Nansha District, Guangzhou 511458, China
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological characteristics of 4 H5N6 subtype avian influenza virus isolates, and their pathogenicity to chickens. In this study, the clinical samples between 2015-2016 year in Guangdong were used to isolate virus, and the isolates were identified, the genes of isolates were cloned, sequenced and analyzed, then 4 weeks old SPF chickens were infected by the way of intranasal and eyedrop inoculation. Our results showed that 4 strains of H5N6 avian influenza virus were isolated, their HA gene belonged to Clade, and the isolates contained multiple basic amino acids at the cleavage site, which were characteristic of highly pathogenic AIV. The inoculation results showed that all chickens of the attack group died in 5 d, and the chickens of cohabitation group died in 9 d; the infected chickens could shed virus continuously. And the avian influenza virus could be detected in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, brain in high titer and caused extensive pathological damage. The 4 strains of H5N6 subtype avian influenza virus isolates showed high pathogenicity and horizontal transmission ability to chickens, suggesting the need to strengthen the prevention and control of H5N6 subtype avian influenza.
Key words: H5N6     avian influenza virus     SPF chicken     pathogenicity    

禽流感(avian influenza)是由A型流感病毒引起的禽类(家禽和野禽)的感染和/或疾病综合征[1]。禽流感病毒感染、非家禽的鸟类包括野生鸟类高致病性A型流感病毒感染被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为法定报告疫病[2]。高致病性禽流感临床症状主要表现为采食量下降、鸡冠发绀、产蛋率下降、精神萎靡、呼吸困难等,剖检常见腺胃、肌胃角膜出血[3]。流行特征主要为潜伏期短,传播快,发病急,死亡率可达100%,同时可引起人感染发病,甚至死亡,因此备受关注。H5N6亚型禽流感病毒曾以低致病性形式在大部分国家的禽类中存在。现在情况已发生变化,监测数据显示,目前在我国南方地区H5N6亚型禽流感病毒监测到的比例增大,禽类、野鸟和活禽市场中都曾分离到,毒株的致病力有逐渐增强的趋势[4-5]。2014年8月23日,黑龙江省哈尔滨市首次发生了鹅感染H5N6禽流感疫情[6]。2015年4月,香港首次从野鸟中检测出H5N6亚型禽流感病毒[7]。根据农业部疫情发布数据统计,2010年1月至2017年7月,我国共发生禽流感疫情37起,H5N6亚型禽流感疫情占到疫情发生数的76.2%,H5N6已取代H5N1成为禽流感病毒优势流行亚型,发生省份或自治区包括湖南、湖北、新疆、四川、甘肃、贵州、广东、江苏等地,呈全国范围流行。2014年5月7日,四川省出现了全球首例人感染H5N6亚型禽流感病毒致死病例,H5N6亚型禽流感也跨越了宿主屏障,对人类健康安全造成了威胁[8]



1 材料与方法 1.1 主要试剂与实验动物

总RNA抽提试剂盒购自上海飞捷生物技术有限公司;琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒购自Magen公司;反转录酶、Ex Taq聚合酶、DL1000 Marker、DL2000 Marker等购自TaKaRa公司;随机引物、反转录引物、PCR扩增引物购自广州艾基生物有限公司;9~11日龄的SPF鸡胚购于广东大华农动物保健品有限公司;4周龄SPF鸡购于新兴大华农SPF实验动物中心。

1.2 试验样品


1.3 病毒分离与鉴定

临床病料称重研磨后,按1 g·mL-1加入PBS,冻融3次,10 000 r·min-1离心3 min,取上清接种。每个样品接种3枚9~11日龄SPF鸡胚。每隔12 h照胚,将死亡鸡胚4 ℃保存,收取含有病毒的尿囊液,48 h后通过HA/HI试验鉴定禽流感病毒的HA亚型。抽提病毒RNA。

1.4 基因测序及进化分析

利用各基因特异性引物(表 1)进行PCR扩增、纯化,纯化产物克隆到pMD18-T载体上, 阳性克隆送广州艾基生物技术有限公司进行测序。用NCBI Blast进行序列比对;用MEGA6.06软件进行进化树分析;用NetNGlyc 1.0 Server分析序列糖基化位点。

表 1 扩增引物 Table 1 Primes used for amplification
1.5 鸡胚半数感染量(EID50)测定

尿囊液按照10倍稀释法稀释成10-5~10-9 5个稀释度,每个稀释度各接种5枚9~11日龄非免疫胚,0.2 mL·枚-1,37 ℃培养,弃去12 h内死亡鸡胚,12 h后死亡鸡胚放入4 ℃中保存,48 h后测定所有感染鸡胚的尿囊液血凝活性,来判断该鸡胚是否被感染。通过Reed-Muench法计算病毒EID50

1.6 对SPF鸡致病性试验及同居试验

将4周龄SPF鸡随机分为4组,每组12只(攻毒组6只,同居组6只),另设一组空白对照组(6只),每只鸡戴上脚标登记编号。攻毒组每只鸡经点眼、滴鼻方法接种105 EID50 200 μL病毒尿囊液,同居组和空白对照组不攻毒,随后连续观察9 d,并随时记录各组鸡的临床症状和鸡的死亡情况。饲养期间分别于感染后3、5、7、9 d采集各组鸡的咽、肛拭子,用含有青霉素与链霉素各5 000 IU的PBS缓冲液振荡,各接种3枚9~11日龄的非免疫胚,37 ℃孵化,48 h后测定鸡胚尿囊液的血凝活性,判断是否存在病毒感染。

在攻毒后4 d随机剖杀攻毒组和对照组鸡,无菌采取心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑6种组织,用含有5 000 IU双抗的无菌PBS液倍比稀释成10-1~10-7 7个稀释度接胚,测定病毒感染SPF鸡后各个组织脏器中病毒复制能力。

1.7 病理组织学观察

在攻毒后4 d随机剖杀攻毒组、同居组和对照组鸡,分别取心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑6种组织,用甲醛浸泡固定,送武汉赛维尔生物科技有限公司进行病理切片分析。

2 结果 2.1 病毒分离

2015—2016年临床样品共分离到4株H5N6亚型禽流感病毒(表 2)。

表 2 H5N6亚型禽流感病毒分离株 Table 2 Isolates of H5N6 subtype AIV
2.2 遗传序列分析

基因序列分析结果显示,分离株HA基因相似性在95.4%~97.1%之间,HA基因位于Clade2.3.4.4 (图 1),NA基因属于欧亚分支(图 2)。

图 1 HA基因遗传序列分析 Figure 1 Phylogenetic analysis of HA gene
图 2 NA基因遗传序列分析 Figure 2 Phylogenetic analysis of NA gene
2.3 氨基酸序列分析与关键位点分析

HA氨基酸序列分析结果表明,HA基因编码567个氨基酸,具有8个潜在糖基化位点(表 3)。HA蛋白的裂解位点处具有多个连续碱性氨基酸,符合高致病性禽流感病毒分子特征。NA基因编码459个氨基酸,具有6~7个潜在糖基化位点(表 4)。HA基因编码HA受体结合位点存在S137A突变;NA蛋白相应位点没有改变;PB1蛋白的L13P位点、PA蛋白的N615K位点、NP蛋白的A184K位点和NS1蛋白的D92E位点发生改变(表 5)。

表 3 HA蛋白潜在糖基化位点 Table 3 Potential glycosylation sites of HA proteins
表 4 NA蛋白潜在糖基化位点 Table 4 Potential glycosylation sites of NA proteins
表 5 重要位点分析 Table 5 Gene locus analysis
2.4 鸡胚半数感染量测定

试验中所有感染病毒的鸡胚都在12~24 h死亡,病毒EID50结果如表 6

表 6 鸡胚半数感染量 Table 6 50% embryo infection dose
2.5 对SPF鸡致病性

SPF鸡的致病性试验结果发现,攻毒后第2天,16274、16875和16887攻毒组全部死亡,同居组到第3天死亡率达50%以上。15577攻毒组至第5天全部死亡,同居组第9天全部死亡。对照组无鸡死亡(表 7)。

表 7 试验鸡死亡情况(n=6) Table 7 The death of chicken (n=6)
2.6 SPF鸡感染后各组织脏器含毒量测定情况

15577攻毒组死亡的鸡脑和肺中病毒滴度较其他脏器高,lg EID50·200 μL-1值大于4.50,而心和肾的病毒滴度较低,为2.25~2.75。16274攻毒组死亡的鸡肺和肝中病毒滴度较其他脏器高些,lg EID50·200 μL-1平均值分别为6.13和5.00,心和肾病毒滴度相对低些,为3.88、3.50。16875和16887攻毒组死亡的鸡6个脏器中病毒滴度值差距不大,病毒滴度都在4.5左右。空白对照组没有检测到病毒滴度(图 3)。

图 3 鸡脏器中禽流感病毒滴度 Figure 3 The titer of avian influenza virus in chicken viscera
2.7 SPF鸡感染后拭子检测情况

15577组的攻毒组和同居组第3天开始都能分到病毒,一直到第9天鸡死亡为止;其余各攻毒组第2天鸡全部死亡,咽、腔拭子无数据;同居组除了16875组咽拭子没检测到病毒外,其余同居组从第3天咽、腔拭子均分离出病毒;空白对照组所有咽、腔拭子都分离不出AIV(表 8)。

表 8 拭子的病毒分离情况 Table 8 The virus isolation from swab
2.8 SPF鸡感染后各组织脏器病理变化

病理切片结果发现,病毒对鸡的肺组织、肝组织、脑组织、脾组织、肾组织和心肌造成了广泛性的损伤。主要的病变:肺和肾充血、出血;肝细胞坏死,淋巴细胞浸润;脑组织坏死,神经胶质细胞增生;脾细胞坏死、减少;心肌纤维坏死、充血(图 4~9)。

A.空白对照组;B.感染组,脑组织局灶性坏死(黑色箭头所示),神经元细胞大量减少至消失,坏死灶周围胶质细胞(红色箭头所示)增多;C.感染组,部分神经元水肿,细胞质呈空泡化(黑色箭头所示) A. Blank group; B. Infection group, focal necrosis (indicate by the black arrow), neuronal cells decreased greatly and glial cells increased around the necrotic area (indicate by the red arrow); C. Infection group, some of the neurons are edematous and the cytoplasm was vacuolated (indicate by the black arrow) 图 4 脑组织病理切片结果(260×) Figure 4 The pathological results of brain (260×)
A.空白对照组;B.感染组,肝窦扩张淤血,肝窦中充满大量红细胞(黑色箭头所示),可见大量肝细胞水肿至气球样变,细胞质呈空泡化(红色箭头所示),肝细胞点状坏死(黄色箭头所示);C.感染组,可见少量淋巴细胞浸润(黑色箭头所示) A. Blank group; B. Infection group, hepatic sinus dilation and congestion, and the sinus is full of red blood cells (indicate by the black arrow), a large amount of liver cells are edema to ballooning, cytoplasm vacuolation (indicate by the red arrow), liver cells are necrosis (indicate by the yellow arrow); C. Infection group, a small amount of lymphocytic infiltrates can be seen (indicate by the black arrow) 图 5 肝组织病理切片结果(260×) Figure 5 The pathological results of liver (260×)
A.空白对照组;B.感染组,肺静脉扩张淤血,血管内大量红细胞(黑色箭头所示),间质轻度水肿,结缔组织疏松(红色箭头所示);C.感染组,肺三级支气管内可见大量炎性渗出物(黑色箭头所示),间质可见少量炎性细胞(红色箭头所示);D.感染组,肺泡上皮细胞点状坏死(黑色箭头所示);E.感染组,局部肺组织大量出血(黑色箭头所示) A. Blank group; B. Infection group, pulmonary veins dilate, congestion, and a large number of red blood cells in the blood vessels (indicate by the black arrow), interstitial edema is mild and connective tissue is loose (indicate by the red arrow); C. Infection group, a large number of inflammatory exudates are seen in the bronchi of grade three of the lung (indicate by the black arrow), small amounts of inflammatory cells are seen on the stroma (indicate by the red arrow); D. Infection group, alveolar epithelial cells show punctate necrosis (indicate by the black arrow); E. Infection group, local lung tissue bleeds profusely (indicate by the black arrow) 图 6 肺组织病理切片结果(260×) Figure 6 The pathological results of lung(260×)
A.空白对照组;B.感染组,肾小球内坏死细胞碎片(黑色箭头所示),大量肾小管上皮细胞坏死,细胞核固缩深染或溶解消失(红色箭头所示);C.感染组,肾毛细血管扩张淤血(黑色箭头所示),部分肾小管上皮细胞气球样变性,细胞质呈空泡化(红色箭头所示) A. Blank group; B. Infection group, glomerular necrosis cell debris (indicate by the black arrow), a large number of tubular epithelial cells are necrosis, pyknosis, or staining and dissolution (indicate by the red arrow); C. Infection group, renal telangiectasia and congestion (indicate by the black arrow), partial tubular epithelial cell ballooning, cytoplasm vacuolation (indicate by the red arrow) 图 7 肾组织病理切片结果(260×) Figure 7 The pathological results of kidney(260×)
A.空白对照组;B.感染组,脾窦扩张淤血,毛细血管内充满红细胞(黑色箭头所示),大量脾细胞坏死,坏死细胞核碎裂或溶解消失(红色箭头所示);C.感染组,淋巴细胞减少,巨噬细胞大量增多(黑色箭头所示),红细胞崩解,可见少量含铁血黄素沉积(红色箭头所示),少量脾细胞坏死,核碎裂(黄色箭头所示) A. Blank group; B. Infection group, the splenic sinus dilated with congestion and capillaries filled with red blood cells (indicate by the black arrow), a large number of splenic cells are necrotic and necrotic, nuclei fragmented or dissolved (indicate by the red arrow); C. Infection group, the increasing number of macrophages, lymphocytes decreased (indicate by the black arrow), red blood cell disintegrate, a small amount of hemosiderin deposition occurred (indicate by the red arrow), a small amount of spleen cells developed necrosis, nuclear fragmentation (indicate by the yellow arrow) 图 8 脾组织病理切片结果(260×) Figure 8 The pathological results of spleen(260×)
A.空白对照组;B.感染组,心肌出血,心肌纤维间可见大量红细胞并伴有大量含铁血黄素沉积(黑色箭头所示);C.感染组,心肌纤维大量减少,可见坏死心肌细胞(黑色箭头所示),胶原纤维大量增生,纤维化(红色箭头所示) A. Blank group; B. Infection group, Myocardial hemorrhage, large amounts of red blood cells were found between the fibers of the heart and were accompanied by large amounts of ferric deposits (indicate by the black arrow); C. Infection group, a large decrease in myocardial fibers, necrotic myocardial cells were seen (indicate by the black arrow), Collagen fibers were proliferated and fibrotic (indicate by the red arrow) 图 9 心组织病理切片结果(263×) Figure 9 The pathological results of heart(263×)
3 讨论





4 结论


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