畜牧兽医学报  2017, Vol. 48 Issue (6): 1044-1053. DOI: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2017.06.009    PDF    
刁华杰1,2#, 冯京海2#, 王雪洁2, 刁新平1     
1. 东北农业大学动物科技学院, 哈尔滨 150030;
2. 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所, 北京 100193
关键词高温    蛋鸡    体温    抗氧化能力    免疫功能    
Effect of Cyclic High Temperature on Antioxidant Capacity and Immune Function of Laying Hens
DIAO Hua-jie1,2#, FENG Jing-hai2#, WANG Xue-jie2, DIAO Xin-ping1     
1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China;
2. Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
Abstract: The aim of present experiment was to simulate the variation of ambient temperature in laying hens house in summer, evaluate the effects of different cyclic high temperature on antioxidant capacity and immune function of laying hens, and attract the attention of producers and researchers for high environmental temperature in summer. Two hundred eighty-eight Hy-line Brown hens, 28 weeks of age, were randomly divided into 4 groups and housed in 4 environment controlled chambers. Four groups were normal thermal group (NT, 21℃, ad libitum), low cyclic temperature group (LCT, 27-30℃, ad libitum), high cyclic temperature group(HCT, 29-35℃, ad libitum), and pair-feeding group (PF, 21℃, feeding amount was the same as that of high cyclic temperature group chickens), respectively. The experiment lasted for 4 weeks. There was 6 repeats in each treatment, and 12 chicken in each repeat. Core body temperature (TC) was recorded using a miniature temperature recorder during 3 days before the end of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, one hen from each repeat was randomly selected and blood samples were collected via the wing vein and serum was separated and stored at -20℃. The hens were then slaughtered, the liver and spleen were collected and stored at -20℃, the spleen index was determined. MDA, SOD, GSH-Px, CAT and T-AOC in serum and liver, IgA, IgG, IgM concentration in serum and lysozyme in serum were determined.The results showed that, compared with NT group, no significant differences were found in core body temperature in LCT group, and no significant differences were detected in MDA and antioxidant enzyme activity in serum and liver except the T-AOC concentration, which was significantly decreased in serum (P < 0.05), and IgA and IgM concentration in serum were also significantly decreased in LCT group(P < 0.05). While compared with NT group, the HCT group significantly increased TC and MDA concentration(P < 0.05), decreased T-AOC concentration in serum and liver(P < 0.05), the GSH-Px activity in serum also had a tendency to decline(0.05 < P < 0.1), IgA, IgM concentration in serum and spleen index were all significantly decreased in HCT group(P < 0.05).Compared with the PF group, TC of HCT group was significantly increased(P < 0.05), MDA concentration was significantly increased and T-AOC concentration was significantly decreased in serum and liver(P < 0.05), GSH-Px activity in serum was also significantly decreased(P < 0.05). Compared with the PF group, only IgA concentration in serum of HCT group was significantly decreased(P < 0.05). The results of present study indicated that antioxidant capacity in serum and liver was not significantly affected, while IgA and IgM concentration in serum were significantly decreased in 27-30℃ cyclic temperature group. And 29-35℃ cyclic temperature group significantly increased TC, decreased antioxidant capacity in serum and liver, and decreased spleen index and IgA, IgM concentration in serum. The effect of cyclic temperature on antioxidant capacity and immune function may be associated with the rise of body temperature and the reduction of feed consumption, respectively.
Key words: high temperature     laying hens     body temperature     antioxidant capacity     immune function    

环境高温不仅显著降低家禽采食量[1-2],影响家禽的生产性能[3],还能导致机体抗病能力下降,影响家禽的健康[4-5],这种影响可能与高温诱导家禽氧化损伤[6-7],影响机体免疫机能有关[8]。正常情况下机体自由基产生与清除维持着动态平衡,高温环境下这一平衡被破坏。研究表明,高温应激能增加肉鸡骨骼肌[9]和蛋鸡血浆中[7]ROS含量,同时抑制抗氧化酶活性,破坏机体氧化还原体系[10],进而诱导氧化损伤[7, 11-13]。正常的免疫功能是维持机体健康的前提和保障,高温环境诱导机体氧化损伤可能进一步影响家禽的免疫机能[14]。研究显示,高温可影响机体血液白细胞水平[15],异嗜性粒细胞和淋巴细胞比例(H/L)[16]以及抗体水平[8, 17]。郝二英等[18]研究表明,蛋鸡35℃高温组与20℃对照组相比,血液中IgA、IgM、IgG含量均显著降低。上述研究主要以持续高温为主,持续高温的研究结果并不能反映实际生产的情况[19]。目前我国规模化蛋鸡养殖场普遍采用风机-湿帘等降温措施,夏季高温季节鸡舍内温度一般可以控制在30℃以下[20],有的仅采取机械通风降温方式,鸡舍内最高温度可达35℃以上,一般是在29~35℃波动[21-22],这种条件下蛋鸡体温的变化以及是否会诱导氧化应激、抑制免疫机能尚不清楚。


1 材料与方法 1.1 试验动物

选择28周龄健康的海兰褐蛋鸡288只,随机分为4个处理,分别为适温组(21℃,自由采食)、低循环温度组(27~30℃,自由采食)、高循环高温组(29~35℃,自由采食)及采食配对组(21℃,按前1天高循环温度组的采食量饲喂)4个处理组,每个处理组6个重复,每个重复12只鸡,分别饲养于动物营养学国家重点实验室的4个环控舱内,各环控舱每日温度变化见实测图 1,舱内相对湿度均设为(60%±7%),采用16L:8D的光照制度,自由饮水,每天饲喂2次(06:00和16:30),预试期2周,试验持续4周(30~34周)。用微型温度记录仪(DS1922L, Maxim, San Jose, CA, U.S.精确度±0.5℃)记录环境温度的变化。

A. 适温舱;B. 低循环温度舱;C. 高循环温度舱;D. 采食配对舱 A. Normal temperature chamber; B. Low cyclic temperature chamber; C. High cyclic temperature chamber; D. Pair-feeding chamber 图 1 环境控制舱实测温度 Figure 1 The measured temperature value of climate chambers
1.2 试验饲粮及饲养管理

蛋鸡饲喂基础日粮为玉米-豆粕型,日常饲养管理参照《海兰褐蛋鸡饲养手册,2014》,另外参照美国NRC(1994) 和中华人民共和国农业行业标准-鸡饲养标准(NY/T33-2004),并结合生产实际配制饲粮,日粮组成和营养成分见表 1

表 1 试验期蛋鸡基础日粮组成及营养水平(干物质基础) Table 1 Experimental diet composition and nutrient levels (DM basis)
1.3 样品采集

试验结束前3 d,每个重复随机选取1只鸡,参考常玉等[23]的方法,采用微型温度记录仪测定蛋鸡的体核温度(Core body temperature,TC)。试验第29天,每个重复随机选取3只蛋鸡,翅静脉采血,倾斜放置20 min,3 000 r·min-1离心10 min,分离血清,-20℃保存。称重后迅速屠宰,分离脾和肝,肝组织-20℃保存,脾用滤纸吸取表面水分,电子天平称鲜重,计算免疫器官指数,脾脏指数(g·kg-1)=免疫器官鲜重(g)/活体重(kg)。

1.4 样品测定


1.5 数据分析

采用SAS 9.2软件中的ANOVA过程对适温组及高、低循环温度组数据进行单因素方差分析,方差显著或有影响趋势者采用Duncan法进行多重比较;采用SAS 9.2软件中TTEST过程对采食配对组和高循环温度组数据进行t检验分析,结果均以“平均值±标准差(x±SD)”表示,P<0.05为差异显著性标准,0.05<P<0.10为有影响趋势。

2 结果 2.1 日循环高温对蛋鸡体核温度的影响

由蛋鸡24 h体核温度的散点图(图 2A)可以看出,在12:00之前,低循环温度组蛋鸡体核温度与适温组基本一致,之后体核温度略高于适温组;高循环温度组蛋鸡体核温度一直高于适温组。蛋鸡体核温度在饲喂之后1 h内出现急性升高的峰值,其他时间的变化与环境温度变化基本一致。高循环温度组蛋鸡14:00-16:00平均体核温度显著高于适温组和采食配对组(P<0.05;图 2B图 2C),而低循环温度组与适温组差异不显著(P>0.05;图 2B)。

A.蛋鸡24 h TC散点图;B.自由采食条件下14:00-16:00蛋鸡平均TC;C.相同采食量条件下采食配对组14:00-16:00蛋鸡平均TC。不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05) 或有趋势(0.05<P<0.1),下表同 A. Scatter plot of TC in laying hens during 24 h; B. The mean TC of laying hens for ad libitum during 14: 00-16: 00; C. The mean TC of laying hens for pair-feeding group during 14: 00-16: 00. The different small letters mean significant difference(P < 0.05) or trend(0.05 < P < 0.1), the same as below 图 2 日循环高温对蛋鸡体核温度的影响 Figure 2 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on TC of laying hens
2.2 日循环高温对蛋鸡抗氧化能力的影响 2.2.1 日循环高温对蛋鸡血清抗氧化能力的影响

表 2可以看出,与适温组相比,低循环温度组蛋鸡血清中除T-AOC水平显著降低外(P<0.05),T-SOD、GSH-Px、CAT活性及MDA含量均无显著差异;高循环温度组蛋鸡血清中T-AOC显著下降(P<0.05),GSH-Px活性有降低趋势(P<0.10),MDA水平显著升高(P<0.05)。由图 3可以看出相同采食量下(与采食配对组相比),高循环温度组仍然显著降低血清GSH-Px活性和T-AOC水平,显著升高MDA含量(P<0.05),表明高温直接影响血清抗氧化能力。

表 2 日循环高温对蛋鸡血清抗氧化能力的影响(自由采食) Table 2 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on antioxidant capacity in serum of laying hens(ad libitum)
图 3 日循环高温对蛋鸡血清抗氧化能力的影响(相同采食) Figure 3 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on antioxidant capacity in serum of laying hens(the same feed intake)
2.2.2 日循环高温对蛋鸡肝抗氧化能力的影响

表 3可以看出,低循环温度组对蛋鸡肝抗氧化酶活性、T-AOC以及MDA含量无显著影响;高循环温度组显著降低肝T-AOC水平(P<0.05),显著升高MDA含量(P<0.05),对抗氧化酶活性无显著影响。由图 4可以看出,相同采食量条件下,高循环温度组仍然显著降低T-AOC水平,升高肝MDA水平(P<0.05),并且分析发现配对组和适温组无显著差异,表明夏季高循环温度降低机体抗氧化能力,诱导机体氧化损伤可能与采食量无关。

表 3 日循环高温对蛋鸡肝抗氧化能力的影响(自由采食) Table 3 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on antioxidant capacity in liver of laying hens(ad libitum)
图 4 日循环高温对蛋鸡肝抗氧化能力的影响(相同采食) Figure 4 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on antioxidant capacity in liver of laying hens(the same feed intake)
2.3 日循环高温对蛋鸡免疫机能的影响 2.3.1 日循环高温对蛋鸡血清免疫指标的影响

表 4可以看出,与适温组相比,低循环温度组和高循环温度组血清中IgA、IgM的含量均显著降低(P<0.05),IgG含量和溶菌酶活性无显著影响。由图 5可以看出,与采食配对组相比,高循环温度组仅显著降低血清IgA含量(P<0.05),对IgM、IgG含量和溶菌酶活性无显著影响,这表明高温影响蛋鸡免疫机能可能与降低采食量有关。

表 4 日循环高温对蛋鸡血清免疫指标的影响(自由采食) Table 4 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on serum immune indexes of laying hens(ad libitum)
图 5 日循环高温对蛋鸡血清免疫指标的影响(相同采食) Figure 5 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on serum immune indexes of laying hens(the same feed intake)
2.3.2 日循环高温对蛋鸡脾脏指数的影响

图 6可以看出,和适温组相比,低循环温度组对蛋鸡脾脏指数影响不显著,高循环温度组显著降低蛋鸡脾脏指数(P<0.01)。在相同采食量下,高循环温度组蛋鸡脾脏指数仅有下降趋势(0.05<P<0.1),这表明脾脏指数的下降不仅是由于高温的直接影响,还可能由采食量降低所引起。

A.自由采食;B.相同采食 A. ad libitum feed consumption; B. Pair-feeding 图 6 日循环高温对蛋鸡脾脏指数的影响 Figure 6 Effect of cyclic high ambient temperature on spleen index of laying hens
3 讨论 3.1 日循环高温对蛋鸡抗氧化能力的影响

动物机体内活性氧(ROS)的产生、利用与清除维持着动态平衡,当机体ROS产生和抗氧化体系失衡时,可引起氧化应激,导致机体内脂质、蛋白、核酸等大分子过氧化,影响机体的健康[14]。本研究发现,低循环温度组蛋鸡血清、肝中MDA含量无显著变化,而高循环温度组MDA含量显著升高,表明夏季蛋鸡舍内温度控制在30℃以下时,不会造成蛋鸡的氧化损伤,当鸡舍温度在29~35℃变化时可引发蛋鸡氧化损伤。杨晓岚等[24]同样发现,28~35℃日循环高温应激7和14 d后,蛋鸡血浆及肝中MDA含量均显著升高。李军乔[25]发现,28.8~36.5℃条件下肉鸡肝及血清中MDA含量分别升高32%和25%。高温诱导家禽氧化损伤可能与升高ROS产生量[7, 9],抑制抗氧化能力有关。杨晓岚等[24]发现,28~35℃日循环高温处理第14天时,蛋鸡血浆、肝SOD活性显著下降。刘凤华等[26]报道,27~38℃高温下蛋鸡血液和肝中SOD动态活性均降低。在本研究中,低循环温度组仅显著影响血清T-AOC水平,而高循环温度组显著降低肝、血清T-AOC水平以及血清GHS-Px活性,表明夏季高循环温度下机体的抗氧化能力受到抑制。在相同采食量的条件下,高循环温度组依然显著抑制蛋鸡抗氧化能力,提高MDA含量,表明高温诱导蛋鸡氧化应激与降低采食量无关。环境温度影响蛋鸡的体温[27],本研究发现,高循环温度组蛋鸡体核温度显著升高,而体外研究发现,提高培养温度可以诱导颗粒细胞ROS产生量升高[24],因此推测环境高温可能通过升高体温诱导氧化应激。

3.2 日循环高温对蛋鸡免疫机能的影响


4 结论


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